In Hell

Video Installation featuring 118 performance to camera videos, code sequenced via Raspberry Pi computer, duration variable, 2021

In Hell is made in collaboration with the 'unashamedly dyspraxic' performance artist Daniel Oliver, and performance artist Tammy Reynolds who is 'always disabled [and] always a dwarf'. The work takes the form of over 100 performance videos in which Matthew (an able bodied, neurotypical man), Tammy and Daniel explore metaphors of status through absurdist skits. Three of the videos are long form, semi-serious discussions about power, shame and normality in relation to disability, neurodiversity, gender and class. It is a powerful and moving work that uses humour and absurdity to approach the thorny issue of how we talk about thorny issues. Daniel, Tammy and Matt manage to create an entire world - a cross between Hell, an artist's residency, and a very shoddy group therapy session - out of a green screen and a few basic props.

Claire Undy, Skelf Space curator, 2021

Performers: Tammy Reynolds, Daniel Oliver and Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau as the producer

Coders: Rob Smith and Claire Undy

Supported by Kingsgate Project Space, Skelf Space and Arts Council England.